What are your modes of payment (MOP)?

Our current modes of payment are: BDO, GCash [Send to Bank], Palawan Express, LBC Padala, Cebuana Lhuillier.

I've already sent my proof of payment. When will you confirm it?

Due to the number of messages that we receive daily, kindly wait 3 to 5 business days for us to confirm your payment.

How would I know if my payment has been confirmed?

You will receive an email notification stating that your payment status has been changed to “Paid”.

Can I change my mode of payment (MOP)?

Yes, you can change your mode of payment as long as you attach the proof of payment in your order’s comments section so we can verify it.

Where will I send my proof of payment?

Once you sent your payment, please attach the photo on your order page. Go to Account Settings > View Order > Scroll down + Add Photo

Payment confirmation is done manually by us. Please wait for at least 3 to 5 business days for your payment to be confirmed. You'll automatically receive an email once we changed your Payment Status to "Paid".